About me

I'm Abel and I'm a

I'm a passionate and motivated computer science engineering student. I have a deep love for technology and a curiosity that drives me to explore the ever-evolving world of computer engineering. Through my studies and personal projects, I aim to make a meaningful contribution to this dynamic field. My journey in this field began with a fascination for how computers work and a desire to unravel their mysteries. Over time, I have developed a strong foundation in programming languages, algorithms, and software development. I enjoy solving complex problems and finding innovative solutions using the power of coding. One of the aspects I find most exciting about computer science engineering is its potential to create transformative advancements in various domains. Whether it's developing cutting-edge software, designing efficient hardware systems, or delving into the realm of artificial intelligence, I am always eager to embrace new challenges.



College of Engineering, Pathanapuram,Kollam,Kerala

Pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

12th 2019-20

St Mary's Residential School, Pathanapuram,Kollam,Kerala

10th 2017-18

St Mary's Residential School, Pathanapuram,Kollam,Kerala

My skills